There are many reasons a homeowner might choose to complete home electrical projects independently, but there are dangers to be found when selecting DIY over hiring a professional electrician. When choosing to tackle an electrical project on your own, be aware of what might happen and take all necessary precautions.
Sometimes the current isn’t properly shut off, or the new wires don’t reconnect with the existing wiring. Mistakes with other home projects are rarely as dangerous as they can be with electrical wiring, and you may be putting a bandage over a bigger hidden problem under the surface.
Even with professionally written manuals or tutorials, methods can change or be miscommunicated to writers. In 2010, close to a million DIY electrical repair manuals were recalled from as far back as 1975 because of errors in diagrams and instructions that, if followed, could cause severe shock.
A faulty connection can still turn on a light or allow a current to pass through it. These faulty connections can lead to sparks, overheating, and arcing, which are all fire hazards that can lead to a fire depending on where the fault is in the home. These issues may not present themselves immediately and could take time to become apparent.
Code Violations
Performing renovations on a home or rental property does require building permits, and those renovations must meet code for your local regulations. Failing to meet code or working without a permit can lead to costly fines.
If the home is sold and later revealed to have electrical repairs that aren’t up to standard, you may be required to pay for a professional to come in to fix your work.
Ceiling fans are great additions to the home, but they aren’t as easy to install as they appear. Improperly installed ceiling fans can be dangerous and a costly mistake to repair if they caused damage to the surrounding ceiling.
In the case of circuit breakers, which act as the brain of your electrical system, a circuit breaker not functioning could cause power surges and widespread wiring damage. It may not cause a fire, but it will be costly to replace and certainly less expensive than the original problem that caused it.
Assess Your Skills
DIY can be a satisfying hobby, but when it comes to home electrical repair, consider the dangers and your personal capabilities.
Some electrical projects aren’t a challenge for experienced DIYers with the proper instructions and tools. However, the most difficult part might be telling yourself that a project is out of your reach for now.
Don’t let this dissuade you from working on home electrical projects. However, always consider your skills and call a professional if you are even the slightest bit hesitant.
Consider having your electrical work inspected by a licensed inspector to catch faults before they become problems. If you have any questions about an electrical project or would like some professional help, contact us at One Man and a Toolbox today.