A good rule of thumb is that you should clean the air filter of your HVAC system every three months, if not even more frequently. But these types of household tasks—the ones you can’t see—are difficult to remember.
Here’s what can happen if you forget to clean your air filters:
You or your family could develop respiratory issues.
With a dirty air filter, you might notice that you and your family are coughing and sneezing more often than you used to. Or maybe you find yourself unable to climb out of the common cold cycle.
These types of symptoms could be thanks to a dirty air filter—more specifically the dust, dirt, and debris collecting in the filter and the air throughout your home.
You may find existing respiratory conditions getting worse.
If you or your family members already have asthma or allergies, a dirty air filter only encourages the symptoms. But if you change your air filters frequently, you may notice that symptoms show less often.
Your immune system could be damaged.
When you’re breathing contaminated oxygen for most (or all) of the day, it can contribute to a weakened immune system. This could lead to you feeling run down in your own home, which is no way to live. Having a clean air filter will help you feel ready to take on each day.
You may find your home getting dirtier.
Dust, dirt, and debris can and will make their way around your home. You may notice them coating surfaces like shelves and hardwood floors, which makes more cleaning work for you.
It could lower your energy efficiency.
One of the main contributing factors to high energy bills is dirty air filters. Because your system has to work so hard to pump air, it uses more energy and costs you more money.
You could damage your HVAC system.
Putting strain on its parts for an extended amount of time is not good for your HVAC system, and it could cause a breakdown. This makes for expensive repairs—not to mention the inconvenience of a broken system.
Cleaning Your Air Filter
It’s important to make clean air a priority. To avoid the consequences of having a dirty air filter, clean your filter out regularly or call one of us at One Man & A Toolbox to take care of it for you.