Regarding the walls in your home, there are quite a few materials to choose from—but the most popular are probably drywall, plywood, and plaster. One Man & A Toolbox is here to help you differentiate these materials and figure out which one is the best to use for your home improvement project.
What Is Drywall?
Drywall is made of a material called gypsum. This gypsum is squished between two sheets of thick paper—and it’s often the alternative to plaster. It comes in large panels that are easy to cut and put up.
What Is Plywood?
Plywood is a piece of material that’s made up of a few sheets of thin wood. It’s not as durable as drywall, nor is it as easy to work with. It can still be used as walling material, but it’s not as visually appealing as drywall.
What Is Plaster?
Plaster is a thick material that provides a thick wall. For this reason, it’s commonly used in situations where soundproofing is important. This material is rigid and unlikely to buckle or break, and it’s also good for curved or irregular surfaces because it’s not hard when it’s applied.
So, Which Is Better?
Of these three options, the easiest to work with is drywall. It’s not a compound you have to make, like plaster, and you can cut it how you want and just hang it up.
When it comes to fixing drywall, plywood, or plaster, drywall comes out victorious once again. If your plywood panel becomes damaged, it’s likely that you’ll have to replace the entire wall. If you put a hole in your drywall, just patch it and sand it. As for plaster, the repair process is detailed and complicated. Drywall is simplest.
In general, the skill of making plaster and putting it up costs more money than the simple task of hanging drywall. As for plywood, it might not be as expensive as regular wood, but it’s still pricier than drywall.
If you’re enthusiastic about decorating, drywall is the best choice yet again. It’s a plain, flat surface that’s easy to paint and place wallpaper on. It’s mostly smooth, and you can even create your own textures on it if you so choose. As for plywood and plaster, they tend to be more textured than drywall, which can cause problems when decorating.
And one last thing—drywall is more fire resistant than plywood but not as much as plaster. So, if this is something that matters to you, know that plywood will go up in flames quickly should a fire start in your home.
What Material Should I Choose?
Picking out your walling material is a personal choice. Even though there are plenty of advantages to using drywall, plaster and plywood are the more durable options. But even though it’s less durable, drywall is easier to fix.
The choice is up to you, but One Man & A Toolbox will offer any input you need to make the decision easier. Just get in touch with us today!